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A mvgam_forecast object returned by function hindcast or forecast. Run methods(class = "mvgam_forecast") to see an overview of available methods.


A mvgam_forecast object contains the following elements:

  • call the original observation model formula

  • trend_call If a trend_formula was supplied, the original trend model formula is returned. Otherwise NULL

  • family character description of the observation distribution

  • family_pars list containing draws of family-specific parameters (i.e. shape, scale or overdispersion parameters). Only returned if type = link. Otherwise NULL

  • trend_model character description of the latent trend model

  • drift Logical specifying whether a drift term was used in the trend model

  • use_lv Logical flag indicating whether latent dynamic factors were used in the model

  • fit_engine Character describing the fit engine, either as stan or jags

  • type The type of predictions included (either link, response or trend)

  • series_names Names of the time series, taken from levels(data$series) in the original model fit

  • train_observations A list of training observation vectors of length n_series

  • train_times A list of the unique training times of length n_series

  • test_observations If the forecast function was used, a list of test observation vectors of length n_series. Otherwise NULL

  • test_times If the forecast function was used, a list of the unique testing (validation) times of length n_series. Otherwise NULL

  • hindcasts A list of posterior hindcast distributions of length n_series.

  • forecasts If the forecast function was used, a list of posterior forecast distributions of length n_series. Otherwise NULL


Nicholas J Clark