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These functions take a fitted mvgam or jsdgam object and return various useful summaries


# S3 method for mvgam
summary(object, include_betas = TRUE, smooth_test = TRUE, digits = 2, ...)

# S3 method for mvgam_prefit
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for mvgam
coef(object, summarise = TRUE, ...)



list object returned from mvgam


Logical. Print a summary that includes posterior summaries of all linear predictor beta coefficients (including spline coefficients)? Defaults to TRUE but use FALSE for a more concise summary


Logical. Compute estimated degrees of freedom and approximate p-values for smooth terms? Defaults to TRUE, but users may wish to set to FALSE for complex models with many smooth or random effect terms


The number of significant digits for printing out the summary; defaults to 2.




logical. Summaries of coefficients will be returned if TRUE. Otherwise the full posterior distribution will be returned


For summary.mvgam and summary.mvgam_prefit, a list is printed on-screen showing the summaries for the model

For coef.mvgam, either a matrix of posterior coefficient distributions (if summarise == FALSE or data.frame of coefficient summaries)


summary.mvgam and summary.mvgam_prefit return brief summaries of the model's call, along with posterior intervals for some of the key parameters in the model. Note that some smooths have extra penalties on the null space, so summaries for the rho parameters may include more penalty terms than the number of smooths in the original model formula. Approximate p-values for smooth terms are also returned, with methods used for their calculation following those used for mgcv equivalents (see summary.gam for details). The Estimated Degrees of Freedom (edf) for smooth terms is computed using either edf.type = 1 for models with no trend component, or edf.type = 0 for models with trend components. These are described in the documentation for jagam. Experiments suggest these p-values tend to be more conservative than those that might be returned from an equivalent model fit with summary.gam using method = 'REML'

coef.mvgam returns either summaries or full posterior estimates for GAM component coefficients


Nicholas J Clark