class: inverse, middle, left, my-title-slide, title-slide .title[ # Ecological forecasting in R ] .subtitle[ ## Lecture 4: evaluating dynamic models ] .author[ ### Nicholas Clark ] .institute[ ### School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland ] .date[ ### 0900–1200 CET Wednesday 29th May, 2024 ] --- ## Workflow Press the "o" key on your keyboard to navigate among slides Access the [tutorial html here]( - Download the data objects and exercise
script from the html file - Complete exercises and use Slack to ask questions Relevant open-source materials include: - [Evaluating distributional forecasts]( - [Approximate leave-future-out cross-validation for Bayesian time series models]( - [The Marginal Effects Zoo (0.14.0)]( --- ## This lecture's topics Forecasting from dynamic models Bayesian posterior predictive checks Point-based forecast evaluation Probabilistic forecast evaluation --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Forecasting from dynamic models --- ## Forecasting in `mvgam` Two options - Feed `newdata` into the `mvgam()` function for automatic probabilistic forecasts through `Stan` - Produce forecasts outside of `Stan` by feeding `newdata` and the fitted model into the `forecast()` function Both require any out-of-sample covariates to be supplied Both should give equivalent results --- ## Simulated data <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## The model ```r library(mvgam) model <- mvgam(y ~ * s(season, bs = 'cc', k = 8), data = data_train, newdata = data_test, trend_model = GP(), family = poisson()) ``` A cyclic smooth of `season` to capture repeated periodic variation --- ## The model ```r library(mvgam) model <- mvgam(y ~ s(season, bs = 'cc', k = 8), data = data_train, newdata = data_test, * trend_model = GP(), family = poisson()) ``` A Gaussian Process trend (approximated with [Hilbert basis functions]( --- ## The model ```r library(mvgam) model <- mvgam(y ~ s(season, bs = 'cc', k = 8), data = data_train, * newdata = data_test, trend_model = GP(), family = poisson()) ``` Forecasts will be computed automatically using the [`generated quantities` block in `Stan`]( --- ## Dropping `newdata` ```r model2 <- mvgam(y ~ s(season, bs = 'cc', k = 8), data = data_train, trend_model = GP(), family = poisson()) ``` Predictions will only be calculated for the training data if no testing data (i.e. `newdata`) are supplied --- `plot(model, type = 'forecast')` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Automatic forecasts because `newdata` were supplied --- `plot(model, type = 'trend', newdata = data_test)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Trend extends into the future --- `plot(model, type = 'forecast', newdata = data_test)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Forecasts can be compared to truths quickly --- `plot(model2, type = 'forecast')` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> No forecasts in this case. Now what? --- ## Posterior draws dynamic `mvgam` models contain draws for many quantities - `\(\beta\)` coefficients for linear predictor terms (called `b`) - Any family-specific shape / scale parameters (i.e. `\(\phi\)` for Negative Binomial; `\(\sigma_{obs}\)` for Normal / LogNormal etc...) - Any trend-specific parameters (i.e. `\(\alpha\)` and `\(\rho\)` for GP trends; `\(\sigma\)` and `\(ar1\)` for AR trends etc...) - In-sample posterior predictions (called `ypred`) - In-sample posterior trend estimates (called `trend`) All stored as MCMC draws in an object of class `stanfit` in the `model_output` slot --- # The `stanfit` object ```r summary(model2$model_output) ``` ``` ## Length Class Mode ## 1 stanfit S4 ``` ```r model2$model_output@model_pars ``` ``` ## [1] "rho" "b" "ypred" "mus" "lambda" "trend" ## [7] "alpha_gp" "rho_gp" "b_gp" "lp__" ``` ```r model2$model_output@sim$chains ``` ``` ## [1] 4 ``` ```r model2$model_output@sim$iter ``` ``` ## [1] 1000 ``` --- ## Draws of `trend` .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # view posterior draws of the trend plot(model2, type = 'trend', realisations = TRUE, n_realisations = 10) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- class: middle center ### But how can we extrapolate these to the future? <br> ### Ready for some multivariate statistical .multicolor[wizardry]? --- class: black-inverse .center[.grey[.big[Ready]]] <img src="resources/momoa.gif" style="position:fixed; right:30%; top:25%; width:480px; height:381px; border:none;"/> --- ##
```r sim_gp = function(trend_draw, h, rho, alpha){ # extract training and testing times t <- 1:length(trend_draw); t_new <- 1:(length(trend_draw) + h) # calculate training covariance Sigma <- alpha^2 * exp(-0.5 * ((outer(t, t, "-") / rho) ^ 2)) + diag(1e-9, length(t)) # calculate training vs testing cross-covariance Sigma_new <- alpha^2 * exp(-0.5 * ((outer(t, t_new, "-") / rho) ^ 2)) # calculate testing covariance Sigma_star <- alpha^2 * exp(-0.5 * ((outer(t_new, t_new, "-") / rho) ^ 2)) + diag(1e-9, length(t_new)) # draw one function realization of the stochastic Gaussian Process t(Sigma_new) %*% solve(Sigma, trend_draw) + MASS::mvrnorm(1, mu = rep(0, length(t_new)), Sigma = Sigma_star - t(Sigma_new) %*% solve(Sigma, Sigma_new)) } ``` --- ## .multicolor[Wizardize] one trend draw .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Wizardry] ```r # extract trend parameter draws and plot one draw trend_draws <- as.matrix(model2, variable = 'trend', regex = TRUE) alpha_draws <- as.matrix(model2, variable = 'alpha_gp', regex = TRUE) rho_draws <- as.matrix(model2, variable = 'rho_gp', regex = TRUE) plot(1, type = 'n', bty = 'l', xlim = c(1, 130), ylim = range(trend_draws[1,]), ylab = 'One trend draw', xlab = 'Time') lines(trend_draws[1,], col = 'gray70', lwd = 3.5) # wizardize to extend draw forward 30 timesteps and plot forecast_draw = sim_gp(trend_draw = trend_draws[1,], h = 30 alpha = alpha_draws[1,], rho = rho_draws[1,]) lines(x = 101:130, y = forecast_draw[101:130], lwd = 3.5, col = 'darkred') abline(v = 100.5, lty = 'dashed', lwd = 2.5) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- class: black-inverse .center[.grey[.big[Piece of cake?]]] <img src="resources/confused.gif" style="position:fixed; right:10%; top:20%; width:960px; height:518px; border:none;"/> --- class: middle center ### There is no wizardry
. Rather, each kind of trend (AR, GP etc...) has an underlying stochastic equation that can be used to extrapolate draws to the future <br> ### But doing this manually is slow and error-prone. `mvgam` does this *automatically* using `newdata` --- `plot(model2, type = 'trend', newdata = data_test, realisations = TRUE, n_realisations = 4)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- `plot(model2, type = 'trend', newdata = data_test, realisations = TRUE, n_realisations = 8)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- `plot(model2, type = 'trend', newdata = data_test, realisations = TRUE, n_realisations = 30)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- `plot(model2, type = 'trend', newdata = data_test, realisations = TRUE, n_realisations = 60)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- `plot(model2, type = 'trend', newdata = data_test, realisations = FALSE)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-21-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- `Or: plot(forecast(model2, type = 'trend', newdata = data_test), realisations = FALSE)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-22-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: middle center ### Once dynamic trend is extrapolated, computing forecasts is easy <br> ### We only need to supply any remaining "future" predictor values from covariates --- ## GAM covariate predictions .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # extract beta regression coefficient draws beta_draws <- as.matrix(model2, variable = 'betas') # calculate the linear predictor matrix for the GAM component lpmatrix <- mvgam:::obs_Xp_matrix(newdata = poisdat$data_test, mgcv_model = model$mgcv_model) # calculate linear predictor (link-scale) predictions for one draw linkpreds <- lpmatrix %*% beta_draws[1,] + attr(lpmatrix, 'model.offset') # plot the linear predictor values plot(1, type = 'n', bty = 'l', xlim = c(1, length(linkpreds)), ylim = range(linkpreds), ylab = expression(One~beta~draw), xlab = 'Forecast horizon') lines(linkpreds, col = 'darkred', lwd = 3.5) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- class: middle center ### Covariate predictions are added to the trend predictions to give the full predictions *on the link scale* <br> ### `mvgam` does this *automatically* using the `forecast` function --- `plot(forecast(model2, type = 'link', newdata = data_test), realisations = TRUE)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-24-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Live code example --- class: middle center ### Forecasting is easier if `newdata` are fed to `mvgam()`, but this results in a larger model object and requires test data be available now <br> ### When testing data not available, you can generate forecasts for new data later using `forecast.mvgam` (note, `time` values in `newdata` must follow immediately from `time` values in original training data) <br> ### But there are multiple *types* of predictions available. What are they? --- background-image: url('./resources/response_types.svg') background-size: contain ## Types of `mvgam` predictions <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> .small[modified from [Heiss 2022](] --- `predict(object, type = 'link')` Gives the real-valued, unconstrained linear predictor - Takes into account uncertainty in GAM regression coefficients - Can include uncertainty in any dynamic trend components - Can be extracted from the fitted model as parameter `mus` ```r range(predict(model, type = 'link', process_error = FALSE)) ``` ``` ## [1] -0.02145857 2.22647337 ``` ```r range(predict(model, type = 'link', process_error = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## [1] -3.801796 5.165899 ``` ```r range(as.matrix(model, variable = 'mus', regex = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## [1] -1.90681 4.60981 ``` --- ## Hang on. Why do these differ? ```r range(predict(model, type = 'link', process_error = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## [1] -3.801796 5.165899 ``` ```r range(as.matrix(model, variable = 'mus', regex = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## [1] -1.90681 4.60981 ``` `predict()` assumes the dynamic process has reached stationarity to tell us what we might expect if we see these same covariate values .emphasize[*sometime in the future*] `mus` includes estimates for where the trend was .emphasize[*at each point in the training data*] (hindcasts), so it is has less uncertainty --- ## `link` predictions .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # extract link-scale forecasts from the model fc <- forecast(model, type = 'link') # plot using the available S3 plotting function plot(fc) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- `predict(object, type = 'expected')` Gives the .emphasize[*average*] prediction on the observation (response) scale - Useful as we often want to get a sense of long-term averages for guiding scenario analyses - .emphasize[*Usually*] it is just the inverse link function applied to a prediction from `type = link` - But not always! This is probably the most confusing type of prediction --- ## Normal distribution (skip) `\begin{align*} \boldsymbol{Y}_t & \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_t, \sigma) \\ \mu_t & = \alpha + \boldsymbol{X}_t\beta + z_t &&\color{darkred}{\leftarrow} \color{darkred}{\text{type = 'link'}} \\ \mathbb{E}(\boldsymbol{Y}_t|\mu_t, \sigma) & = \mu_t &&\color{darkred}{\leftarrow} \color{darkred}{\text{type = 'expected'}} \end{align*}` --- ## Normal distribution (skip) <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-34-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Poisson distribution (skip) `\begin{align*} \boldsymbol{Y}_t & \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_t) \\ log(\lambda_t) & = \alpha + \boldsymbol{X}_t\beta + z_t &&\color{darkred}{\leftarrow} \color{darkred}{\text{type = 'link'}} \\ \mathbb{E}(\boldsymbol{Y}_t|\lambda_t) & = \lambda_t &&\color{darkred}{\leftarrow} \color{darkred}{\text{type = 'expected'}} \end{align*}` --- ## Poisson distribution (skip) <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-35-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## LogNormal distribution (skip) `\begin{align*} \boldsymbol{Y}_t & \sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu_t, \sigma) \\ \mu_t &= \alpha + \boldsymbol{X}_t\beta + z_t &&\color{darkred}{\leftarrow} \color{darkred}{\text{type = 'link'}} \\ \mathbb{E}(\boldsymbol{Y}_t|\mu_t, \sigma) &= exp(\mu_t + \frac{\sigma^2}{2}) &&\color{darkred}{\leftarrow} \color{darkred}{\text{type = 'expected'}} \end{align*}` --- ## LogNormal distribution (skip) <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-36-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## `expected` predictions .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # extract expectation-scale forecasts from the model fc <- forecast(model, type = 'expected') # plot using the available S3 plotting function plot(fc) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- `predict(object, type = 'response')` Gives the predictions on the observation (response) scale - Includes uncertainty in the linear predictor .emphasize[*and*] any uncertainty arising from the observation process - Some distributions only depend on the inverse link of the linear predictor (i.e. `\(Poisson(\lambda)\)` or `\(Bernoulli(\pi)\)`)) - Others depend on additional shape / scale parameters (i.e. `\(Normal(\mu,\sigma)\)` or `\(StudentT(\nu,\mu,\sigma)\)`) These are the most often used type of predictions for evaluating forecasts --- ## `response` predictions .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # extract response-scale forecasts from the model fc <- forecast(model, type = 'response') # plot using the available S3 plotting function plot(fc) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- ## `mvgam` and `brms` 📦's <br> | Type | `mvgam` | `brms` | |--------------------|----------------|------------------------------| | link | `predict(type = 'link')` | `posterior_linpred()` | | expected | `predict(type = 'expected')` | `posterior_epred()` | | response | `predict(type = 'response')` | `posterior_predict()` | For all `mvgam` predictions, whether to include error in the dynamic process can be controlled using `process_error = TRUE` or `process_error = FALSE` --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Posterior predictive checks --- ## Fitted models yield coefficients ```r coef(model) ``` ``` ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% Rhat n_eff ## (Intercept) 0.3774783 0.9876980 1.76805950 1 510 ## s(season).1 -0.6334312 -0.3413885 -0.04340306 1 1586 ## s(season).2 -0.7103705 -0.3934130 -0.09796405 1 2081 ## s(season).3 -0.4893098 -0.1710475 0.12470842 1 2116 ## s(season).4 -0.1712199 0.1409405 0.41121075 1 2022 ## s(season).5 0.2836828 0.5544740 0.81570900 1 2011 ## s(season).6 0.1086623 0.3892950 0.66113575 1 1973 ``` --- ## Interpret coefficients? These coefficients are acting on the .emphasize[*link scale*] - Often result in nonlinear relationships on response scale - Very often, the coefficients are .emphasize[*correlated somehow*] - This is especially the case in GAMs! - Don't worry about *p*-values or intervals, use .emphasize[*posterior predictions*] instead Start with .emphasize[*partial effects*] on link scale - These are conditional on all other effects being zero - negative values ⇨ covariate reduces the response - positive values ⇨ covariate increases the response --- `plot(model, type = 'smooths')` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-40-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Look at partial residuals Partial effect residuals can be thought of as .emphasize[*residuals that would be obtained*] by dropping a specific term from the model `$$\hat{\epsilon}^{partial}=\hat{f}(x) + \hat{\epsilon}^{DS}$$` Where: - `\(\hat{f}(x)\)` is estimated smooth function for the effect of covariate `\(x\)` - `\(\hat{\epsilon}^{DS}\)` is a draw of randomized quantile (Dunn-Smyth) residuals We would expect these to be scattered evenly around the smooth for a well fitting model --- `plot(model, type = 'smooths', residuals = TRUE)` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-41-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: middle center ### Ok. but what do these things actually, really *mean*? --- class: black-inverse <img src="resources/marginaleffects_need.jpg" style="position:fixed; right:40%; top:1%; width:233px; height:658px; border:none;"/> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> .small[[Credit @stephenjwild](] --- ## Interpreting on the *response* scale Some key questions you should ask of a fitted model - Can the model simulate realistic data? - Does the model capture salient features of the data that you'd like to predict? - What criteria would you use to determine whether one model is more suitable than another? Very often, these questions can only be answered by looking at what kinds of predictions a model makes .emphasize[*on the response scale*] --- ## Posterior predictive checks Statistical models can be used to generate (i.e. simulate) new outcome data - Can either use the same covariates used to train the model - Or can use `newdata` for scenario modelling (including forecasting) To generate new outcome data we can simulate from the model's posterior predictive distribution "*The idea is simple: if a model is a good fit then we should be able to use it to generate data that looks a lot like the data we observed*" [Gabry & Mahr]( --- ## A PPC barplot .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # view barplots of true data vs simulated predictions pp_check(model, type = 'bars', ndraws = 25) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- ## A PPC cumulative distribution .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # view the simulated vs true cumulative distribution functions pp_check(model, type = 'ecdf_overlay', ndraws = 25) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- ## A PIT CDF .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # view the simulated vs true count frequencies pp_check(model, type = 'pit_ecdf') ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- ## Comparing fits with `loo()` ```r model_good <- mvgam(y ~ s(season, bs = 'cc', k = 8) + * gp(time, k = 20, c = 5/4, scale = FALSE), data = poisdat$data_train, trend_model = 'None', family = poisson()) ``` A GP of `time`, together with the cyclic seasonality, is a good model here --- ## Comparing fits with `loo()` ```r model_bad <- mvgam(y ~ 1, data = poisdat$data_train, * trend_model = RW(), family = poisson()) ``` A RW with no seasonality will fit the data *very well*, but gives *bad* predictions --- `plot(hindcast(model_good))` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-47-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- `plot(hindcast(model_bad))` <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-48-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- `loo_compare(model_good, model_bad)` ``` ## elpd_diff se_diff ## model_good 0.0 0.0 ## model_bad -753.7 43.3 ``` --- class: middle center ### PPCs and `loo()` using training covariates are a great first step to check model validity and begin comparing models <br> ### But they only assess how well the model predicts against the training data <br> ### How else can we verify models? Using `newdata` for response predictions ⇨ counterfactual .emphasize[*scenarios*] --- ## Marginal & conditional predictions "*Applied researchers are keen to report simple quantities that carry clear scientific meaning*" ([Arel-Bundock 2023]( This is often challenging because: - Intuitive estimands and uncertainties are tedious to compute - Nonlinear terms, nonlinear link functions, interaction effects and observation parameters all make these effects nearly impossible to gain from looking at coefficients alone - Most software emphasizes coefficients and *p*-values over meaningful interpretations --- ## `predict.mvgam()` Feed `newdata` consisting of particular covariate values that represent scenarios you'd like to explore - Can be simple: predict a smooth function along a fine-spaced grid to explore the smooth's shape and / or derivatives - Or can be complex: integrate over a high-dimensional grid of predictors to understand the average impact of a predictor on the response Users can implement the wonderful `datagrid()` function from `marginaleffects` 📦 to effortlessly generate a `data.frame` of covariate values for scenario predictions --- ## Conditional smooths .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # use plot_predictions to visualise conditional effects # on the scale of the response library(ggplot2) plot_predictions(model, condition = 'season', points = 0.5, process_error = FALSE) + theme_classic() ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- ## Posterior contrasts .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[Code] ```r # take draws of average comparison between season = 9 vs season = 3 post_contrasts <- avg_comparisons(model, variables = list(season = c(9, 3)), proces_error = FALSE) %>% posteriordraws() # use the resulting posterior draw object to plot a density of the # posterior contrasts library(tidybayes) post_contrasts %>% ggplot(aes(x = draw)) + # use the stat_halfeye function from tidybayes for a nice visual stat_halfeye(fill = "#C79999") + labs(x = "(season = 9) − (season = 3)", y = "Density", title = "Average posterior contrast") + theme_classic() ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] .center[] ] ] --- class: middle center ### The ability to readily interpret models from `mvgam` and `brms` 📦's is a .emphasize[*huge advantage*] over traditional time series models. See [my blogpost on interpeting GAMs for more examples]( <br> ### But this is a forecasting course. So how can we evaluate forecast distributions? --- ## The forecasting workflow "*The accuracy of forecasts can only be determined by considering how well a model performs on new data that were not used when fitting the model.*" [Hyndman and Athanasopoulos]( We must evaluate on data that was not used to train the model (i.e. .emphasize[*leave-future-out cross-validation*]) because: - Models that fit training data well do not always provide good forecasts - We can easily engineer a model that perfectly fits the training data, leading to overfitting - See [the `mvgam` forecasting vignette]( for more guidance --- ## Leave-future-out CV Important to train the model on some portion of data and use a hold-out portion (test data) to evaluate forecasts: `$$p(y_{T+H}|y_{1:T})$$` Some points to consider: - The test set should ideally be at least as large as the maximum forecast horizon required for decision-making - Ideally, this process would be repeated many times to incorporate variation in forecast performance - Usually good to compare models against simpler .emphasize[*benchmark*] models to ensure added complexity improves forecasts --- class: middle center ### We must obtain leave-future-out forecasts (ideally for many different training / testing splits) to compare ecological forecasting models <br> ### But how do we *evaluate* forecasts? <br> ### The most common evaluation practice in forecasting tasks is to evaluate point predictions --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Point-based forecast evaluation --- ## Forecast errors A forecast error (or forecast residual) is the difference between the true value in an out-of-sample set and the predicted response value: `$$\epsilon_{T+H}=\boldsymbol{y}_{T+H} - \hat{y}_{T+H}$$` Where: - `\(T\)` is the total length of the training set - `\(H\)` is the forecast horizon - `\(\hat{y}_{T+H}\)` is the prediction at time `\(T+H\)` Point-based measures use these errors in different ways --- ## Common point-based measures Scale-dependent measures - Mean Absolute Error: `\(mean(|\epsilon_t|)\)` - Root Mean Squared Error: `\(\sqrt{mean(\epsilon_t^2)}\)` Scale-independent measures - Mean Absolute Percentage Error: `\(mean(|p_t|)\)`, where `\(p_t=100\epsilon_t/y_t\)` - Mean Absolute Scaled Error: `\(mean(|q_t|)\)`, where `\(q_t\)` is the error scaled against errors from an appropriate .emphasize[*benchmark*] forecast Lower values are better for all these measures --- class: middle center ### We won't dwell much on point-based measures because ecological predictions and their associated management decisions are inherently *uncertain* ([but see this video for more details]( <br> ### Point-based measures ignore far too much information in the forecast distribution <br> ### It is better to evaluate the *entire forecast distribution* --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Live code example --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Probabilistic forecast evaluation --- ## Scaled Interval Score A common step to evaluate a forecast distribution is to [compute how well it's prediction intervals perform]( `$$SIS = (U_{t} - L_{t}) + \frac{2}{\alpha}(L_{t} - y_{t})\mathcal{1}(y_{t} < L_{t}) + \frac{2}{\alpha}(y_{t} - U_{t})\mathcal{1}(y_{t} > U_{t})$$` Where: - `\(y_{t}\)` is the true observed value at horizon `\(H\)` - `\(\alpha\)` is `\(1-\text{interval width}\)` - The `\(100(1−\alpha)\%\)` interval for horizon `\(H\)` is `\([L_{t}, U_{t}|\)` - `\(1\)` is a binary indicator function --- ## Penalize *overly precise* forecasts <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-50-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Evaluating the full distribution Interval scores are very useful when we want to target a particular interval or if we don't have the full distribution - Allows different teams to submit a few intervals rather than thousands of posterior samples - Can compare forecasts from many different algorithms / models But if we do have a full distribution, we have other options "*Scoring rules provide summary measures for the evaluation of probabilistic forecasts, by assigning a numerical score based on the predictive distribution and on the event or value that materializes*" ([Gneiting and Raftery 2007]( --- ## What is a good forecast? Reliable: good probabilistic calibration Sharp: informative, with tight enough intervals to guide decisions Skilled: performs better overall than simpler benchmark forecasts Proper scoring rules attempt to address each of these goals using the full forecast distribution --- background-image: url('./resources/dnorm.svg') ## Predictive density --- ## Log predictive density Compute *log(probability)* of a given truth given distributional assumptions: `$$log~p(y_{T+H}|y_{t:T},\theta)$$` Use density functions in
, such as `dnorm` or `dnbinom`; higher values are better `\(\theta\)` captures all unknown parameters: - Regression coefficients `\(\beta\)` - Dynamic parameters; `\(\alpha\)` or `\(\rho\)` for GP; `\(\sigma_{error}\)` for RW - Observation parameters; `\(\nu\)` for StudentT or `\(\sigma_{obs}\)` for Normal --- class: middle center ### logging is stabile and makes joint calculations easier <br> ### But the log score can severly penalize over-confidence and is sensitive to outliers <br> ### Other proper scoring rules can provide more robust comparisons, without needing to rely on distributional assumptions --- ## CRPS Continuous Ranked Probability Score compares true Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) to forecast CDF $$ CRPS(F,y)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(F(\hat{y}) - \mathcal{1}(\hat{y}\geq y))^2dy$$ Where: - `\(F(\hat{y})\)` is the forecast CDF evaluated at many points - `\(\mathcal{1}(\hat{y}\geq y)\)` gives the true observed CDF SIS converges to CRPS when evaluating an increasing number of equally spaced intervals --- ## CRPS <img src="lecture_4_slidedeck_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-51-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: middle center ### CRPS useful for both parametric and non-parametric predictions because we just need to calculate the CDF of the forecast distribution <br> ### Penalises over- and under-confidence similarly, and gives more stable handling of outliers <br> ### Score is on the scale of the outcome variable being forecasted, so is somewhat intuitive (a lower score is better) --- ## DRPS Similar to CRPS, the discrete version (DRPS) can be used to evaluate a forecast that is composed only of integers Uses an approximation of the forecast and true CDFs at a range of possible count values Interpretation is similar --- ## `score.mvgam_forecast()` Once forecasts are computed and stored in an object of class `mvgam_forecast`, scores can be directly applied User chooses among the Scaled Interval Score (`sis`), log score (`elpd`), CRPS (`crps`), DRPS (`drps`) and two multivariate scores (`energy` or `variogram`; more on this in the next lecture) User also specifies an interval for calculating coverage and/or which interval to use for the Scaled Interval Score `return` is a `list()` with scores for each series in the data and an overall score (usually just the sum of series-level scores) --- ```r sc <- score(forecast(model), * score = 'crps', interval = 0.90) sc$series_1[1:10,] ``` ``` ## score in_interval interval_width eval_horizon score_type ## 1 0.9483460 1 0.9 1 crps ## 2 4.2652035 0 0.9 2 crps ## 3 2.0320750 1 0.9 3 crps ## 4 4.1233913 0 0.9 4 crps ## 5 1.6279930 1 0.9 5 crps ## 6 6.4760912 0 0.9 6 crps ## 7 0.6714025 1 0.9 7 crps ## 8 3.8893157 1 0.9 8 crps ## 9 1.4326503 1 0.9 9 crps ## 10 0.8742835 1 0.9 10 crps ``` Calculating the CRPS using the previously generated forecasts --- ```r sc <- score(forecast(model), * score = 'sis', interval = 0.90) sc$series_1[1:10,] ``` ``` ## score in_interval interval_width eval_horizon score_type ## 1 4 1 0.9 1 sis ## 2 45 0 0.9 2 sis ## 3 6 1 0.9 3 sis ## 4 27 0 0.9 4 sis ## 5 9 1 0.9 5 sis ## 6 50 0 0.9 6 sis ## 7 10 1 0.9 7 sis ## 8 9 1 0.9 8 sis ## 9 8 1 0.9 9 sis ## 10 8 1 0.9 10 sis ``` Calculating the SIS using the previously generated forecasts; values outside interval are more heavily penalized --- class: middle center ### We have seen how to produce out-of-sample forecasts from `mvgam` models and evaluate them against new observations <br> ### We have also investigated other ways that models can be critiqued, particularly making use of conditional predictions using `newdata` <br> ### But so far we have only considered univariate investigations. What happens if we want to forecast *multiple time series*? --- ## In the next lecture, we will cover Multivariate ecological time series Vector autoregressive processes Dynamic factor models Multivariate forecast evaluation